Esoteric Compass

Esoteric Compass@esotericcompass


Season 1 episodes (7)

The Goddess Brigid

The Goddess Brigid

Goddess Brigid of Ireland, Spirit of Sophia, and Esoteric Christianity all wrapped up into one episode. Watch as I make connections of Brigit and how she had a hand with our Heavenly mother and used her connections with Heaven. Video Link: #goddess #brigid #esotericchristianity #esoteric #christianity #god #spirituality #sophia #love

Witch Hunt

Witch Hunt

Uncover the truth behind the Salem Witch Trials, as we explore the divine feminine’s role in history and the chaos that ensued. Join us as we delve into Esoteric Christianity, Paganism, and more. 🔮🎙️ #SalemWitchTrials #DivineFeminine #History #Spirituality #UnravelingThePast

Our Path

Our Path

The author’s journey of spiritual awakening, starting in 2015 and realizing its impact in 2020. The effects of technology, such as TVs, video game consoles, and computers, on our bodies and spirit due to EMFs. The history of technology and non-ionizing radiation exposure, comparing the past 50 years to the 1970s. Personal experiences of the author with technology and EMFs, including childhood memories and effects on their daughter’s room. The connection between EMFs and the pineal gland in esoteric Christianity. Fluoride toothpaste and its impact on the pineal gland. The importance of making informed decisions about technology use to maintain a path of light. The author’s experiences during and after 2020, including depression and the role of white witches in the battle of Satanism. The significance of everyone’s unique skills as a gift from Yahweh to help bring people back to the light.



Unveiling the Light Within: A Christian Perspective on Halloween and All Saints’ Day Beyond the spooky costumes and candy-coated streets, Halloween holds a deeper meaning for Christians. It’s a time of reflection, not just on the supernatural, but on the powerful force within us: the ego. This podcast delves into the Christian perspective on Halloween and All Saints’ Day, exploring how these holidays can be catalysts for personal transformation. We’ll unpack: The Ego's Grip: How our ego can take hold of our thoughts and actions, leading us astray from the path of light. Atonement and Sacrifice: Practical ways to reflect on our past, seek forgiveness, and release the ego's grip through prayer, service, and meditation. Embracing the Light: Discover the joy of living a life guided by God and Sophia, free from the ego's limitations. Join us on a journey of self-discovery as we explore the spiritual significance of Halloween and All Saints’ Day. Learn how to shed the shadows of the ego and embrace the radiant light within. This podcast is for: Christians seeking a deeper understanding of Halloween and All Saints' Day. Anyone interested in spirituality and personal growth. Individuals looking for ways to break free from the limitations of the ego. Tune in and: Uncover the hidden meaning behind these holidays. Discover practical tools for self-reflection and spiritual growth. Ignite your inner light and live a more fulfilling life. Remember, Halloween and All Saints’ Day are not just about ghosts and goblins, they are about the journey within. Join us as we explore the path to inner peace and radiant living.



Welcome to a profound exploration of the divine feminine, where we delve into the enigmatic figure of Sophia and her embodiment in Mary Magdalene. Join us as we unravel the hidden threads of history and uncover the truths that have been obscured for centuries. In this podcast, we’ll embark on a journey to rediscover the profound significance of Sophia, the Holy Spirit of the Trinity, our mother who has always stood beside God from the very beginning. We’ll trace her presence through the ages, from her role in creation alongside Yahweh to her manifestation as Mary, the mother of God, and Mary Magdalene, the bride of Christ. Through insightful discussions and thought-provoking perspectives, we’ll uncover the reasons why Sophia was largely excluded from the traditional Christian narrative. We’ll examine the efforts of the early Church Fathers to create a patriarchal religion and the motivations behind their suppression of the divine feminine. This podcast is an invitation to reconnect with the forgotten wisdom of Sophia and to recognize her enduring presence in our lives. We’ll explore the profound impact of Sophia’s spirit on Mary Magdalene, highlighting their close relationship with Yeshua and their roles in spreading his teachings. Join us as we embark on this enlightening journey to restore Sophia to her rightful place in our spiritual understanding. Together, we can reclaim the lost wisdom of the divine feminine and experience the transformative power of her love and guidance.

About the Logo

About the Logo

Embark on a Journey of Spiritual Enlightenment with Esoteric Compass Welcome to Esoteric Compass, a podcast dedicated to exploring the profound depths of Esoteric Christianity and guiding you on your path to spiritual enlightenment. Join us as we delve into the ancient wisdom and hidden mysteries of this transformative spiritual practice. Esoteric Christianity is often referred to as the “base flame of all religions,” offering a more profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all spiritual paths. In this podcast, we’ll uncover the symbolic significance of the compass and the tree of life, which serve as guiding lights on our journey to spiritual awakening.

The Beginning

The Beginning

Embark on a Journey of Spiritual Discovery with ‘On the Path of Light’ Join us as we explore the profound teachings of Yeshua, the original name of Jesus, and delve into the depths of divine wisdom. Through personal experiences, research, and insightful discussions, we’ll uncover the hidden truths of Christianity and rediscover the path to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the divine. Whether you’re seeking spiritual guidance or simply curious about ancient wisdom, ‘On the Path of Light’ will illuminate your journey towards enlightenment.